Press Release
October 3, 2008

NTT Com Group Buys APTT to Expand Data Center Services
in Hong Kong

TOKYO, JAPAN - NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced that its 100% subsidiary NTT Com Asia Ltd. has wholly acquired today APT Satellite Telecommunications Limited (APTT) in Hong Kong, aiming to expand the company's Tai Po Data Center, one of the largest in Hong Kong.

NTT Com Asia purchased APTT for approximately HK$161 million from its former owners Skywork Corporation (55%) and Singasat Pte Limited (45%).

NTT Com Asia will now transfer its entire stake in APTT to another NTT Com wholly owned subsidiary, NTT Worldwide Telecommunications Corporation (NTT-WT), which owns and operates the NTT Com group's data centers around the globe.

The NTT Com Group has been offering data center services in Hong Kong since 2001, with dedicated leased space from the Tai Po Data Center as one of its offerings. The acquisition of APTT will expand and enhance the Group's high-quality data center services for multinational companies. The Tai Po Data Center will help meet the growing demand for data center services among NTT Com customers operating in Hong Kong, a gateway to Mainland China as well as a primary hub of IT business in Asia.

According to standards established by the U.S. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and The Uptime Institute, Tai Po is a Tier 3-equivalent facility capable of concurrently maintaining infrastructure without a single point of failure. For risk diversification, the facility uses infrastructure created with the networks of multiple telecommunication carriers to realize completely redundant systems for commercial power supply, air conditioning, uninterrupted power supply (UPS), and power generation and distribution. Customer service offers trilingual support (Japanese, English and Chinese) on a 24-hour, 365-day basis.

Outside of Japan, the NTT Com Group operates data centers, including premium-level facilities, in 27 cities of Asia-Pacific, North and South America and Europe. Working with local support offices in each region, NTT Com's one-stop data center services ensure unified service quality throughout the global networks of multinational customers.

About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Com delivers high-quality voice, data and IP services to customers around the world. The company is renowned for its diverse information and communication services, expertise in managed networks, hosting and IP networking services, and industry leadership in IPv6 transit technology. The company's extensive global infrastructure includes Arcstar™ private networks and a Tier 1 IP backbone (connected with major ISPs worldwide), both reaching more than 150 countries, as well as secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Com is the wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world's largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit