Press Release

December 14, 2001



NTT Communications Develops IPv6-Based Home-Appliance
Controller and IPv6-Based VPN System
- Monitors to be Recruited to Test the Controller

NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today that it has developed two new IPv6-based products. One is a Home-Appliance Controller, which allows a person who is outside the home to easily monitor and control intelligent home appliances* via IPv6 by using a web browser. The second product is an IPv6-Based VPN System that allows easy setup of an IPSec-based security function for the appliances. Both developments are results of the IPv6 Home-Appliance Trial, which is being promoted by the IPv6 Promotion Council in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, and the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO).

NTT Com will demonstrate use of the controller and the new system on December 15 and 16 at the Net.Liferium2001 exhibit in Yokohama.

Moreover, as part of the aforementioned trial in which NTT Com is participating, the IPv6 Promotion Council is recruiting 400 monitors to use the Home-Appliance Controller and then provide suggestions on new ways of using Internet-connected home appliances.

*"Home appliances" refers not only to general home appliances (i.e., refrigerators, microwaves), video-game and AV terminals, but also to any devices or household items, such as sensors and even beds, that have the potential to be connected to the Internet.

IPv6 and Internet-Connected Home Appliances

IPv6, the next-generation Internet protocol, can provide a practically unlimited number of IP addresses for appliances and thereby allow various home appliances, not only PCs, to be connected to the Internet. This is possible because standard IPv6 technology includes security features, guarantees communications quality, and automatically allocates IP addresses to individual appliances. Furthermore, with IPv6, the appliances can be simply and safely controlled from remote locations using mobile terminals, creating new service-development opportunities.

NTT Com is participating in the Internet-Based Home-Appliances Technology R&D headed by the IPv6 Promotion Council. The firm is spearheading the aforementioned trial, as well as providing IPv6 Internet-access services, thereby contributing to the further diffusion of next-generation Internet services on a global scale.

About the Home-Appliance Controller

By connecting to appliances with the controllers, users can turn the appliances off or on, or confirm their current states via IPv6 Internet access. This will open up totally new ways to use home appliances. For example, it will allow users outside the home to turn on a machine in order to feed a pet, or to check whether a door is locked (see Attachment 1: Home Appliance Controller (photo); and Attachment 2: Examples of How the Home Appliance Controller Can Be Used).

1. Control via a web browser
From an IPv6-compatible web browser, a user can control (via a digital-output 8 port) and monitor (via a digital-input 8 port) home appliances.
2. Automatic allocation of IP addresses
The plug-and-play feature of IPv6 enables appliances to automatically be allocated IPv6 addresses just by being connected to the Internet.
3. Access control
Access to an appliance can be controlled through the appliance's IP address, a user ID, and a password.
4. Connection with home appliances
Adjustment of electronic circuits between the controller and home appliances will be necessary. However, this controller can be embedded with multipurpose base material that allows circuits to be set up.
5. Customization of web pages
Web servers embedded in the controller will initially provide a web page for controlling and monitoring the controller via the page. In accordance with usage, the web page's HTML file can be customized to suit a user's needs.

About the IPv6 VPN System

In the future, a variety of home appliances, including mobile terminals, will be connected through the Internet via IPv6 to enable direct communications between the appliances. However, due to the greatly increased numbers of Internet users and terminals that will be directly connected to the Internet, there may be a danger of foul play and/or misuse of networks. Therefore, it will be advisable for users to pursue optimal security to suit their individual usage style.

The IPv6 VPN System, which was developed by NTT Com in cooperation with dit Co., Ltd.*1 and Entrust, Inc.*2, uses IPSec protocol, the standard security function for IPv6, and thereby prevents misuse, such as ID theft, wiretapping, or data tampering. A user needs only to follow a simple setup procedure to gain secure communications with designated individuals and appliances.

The system is comprised of (1) a policy gateway device to enable remote implementation and management of security setups of user appliances, (2) a software product to be installed in the appliances, and (3) a public-key infrastructure (PKI)*3-based server (see Attachment 3: The IPv6-Based VPN System). The system offers automatic downloading of necessary security setups from the server, and it enables remote unified management of the appliances' security setups.

1. Secure communications
Users can simply set up secure communications with designated individuals and appliances without going through complex IPSec-related setup procedures.
2. Unified management of setups
The system manager can manage security setups on a unified basis, thereby improving operational efficiency.
3. PKI compatibility
With PKI authentication, the system can be expanded to large-scale VPNs. The VPN authentication method that uses common-key infrastructure is problematic, because the management load increases as the number of appliances increases.

*: Please note that dit Co., Ltd. and Entrust, Inc., developed the gateway device and the software product, and PKI-based server, respectively, in cooperation with other companies.

Recruitment of Monitors

The IPv6 Promotion Council is recruiting monitors for the trial of the Home Appliance Controller. The council has prepared 300 controllers, which are intended for use by people with experience in electronics. Another 100 controllers are designed for use by novices. Anyone interested in being a monitor can apply at Please note that only residents of Japan may apply.


The Net.Liferium2001 exhibit will take place with the theme of New Lifestyles Created by the Internet. The exhibit is sponsored by the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the IPv6 Promotion Council.

At the exhibit, NTT Com will demonstrate the Home-Appliance Controller and the IPv6-Based VPN System. The demo will show a highly secure system that prevents wiretapping and ID theft by third parties, and that allows home appliances to be monitored and controlled. (i.e.: turning devices on or off and monitoring home interiors) from outside the home.


*1 dit Co., Ltd.:
This is a Tokyo-based company, established in 1985, that is dedicated to computer networking. The firm develops networks that allow the sharing of data between Macintosh and Windows computers, and it constructs networks with multiple OSs, including UNIX and Linux. The firm also offers VPN and network-security products. The company's sales for the interim period ended September 30, 2001, totaled 1.632 billion yen (of which security services accounted for approx. 500 million yen). The firm has approximately 70 employees. For more information, please visit (in Japanese only).

*2 Entrust, Inc.:
This company was established in 1998 as the Japanese distribution arm of U.S.-based Entrust. It is the top vendor of products relating to PKI, the significant technology in electronic-authentication and digital-signature systems. Entrust's PKI system has been selected by many organizations in the manufacturing, distribution, financial, medical, and private-security sectors. Services installed by Entrust include Identrus, the e-authentication framework participated in by world-leading financial institutions, and the Japanese government's Government Public-Key Infrastructure (GPKI). For more information, please visit (in Japanese only).

*3 Public-key infrastructure:
This is a system of public-key encryption. Each person gets a pair of keys; the public key, which is published, and a private key, which is held only by the person. Any message ciphered with the public key, can only be de-ciphered with the private key. Another encryption method, the common-key infrastructure, has transmission-security problems, because it uses the same key for ciphering and de-ciphering. Therefore, PKI provides higher security.