Press Release

March 29, 2002



NTT Communications Starts Commercial IPv6 Gateway Service

NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today that it will launch its commercial IPv6 Gateway Service on April 1. This follows the successful completion of Japan's first pay-based IPv6 native service trial, which the company initiated in April 2001, targeting ISPs, corporate users and research centers.

The native service offers IPv6 Internet access, transmitting specifically IPv6 packets on leased lines and other networks. NTT Com’s IPv6 Gateway Service will provide direct connection to the NTT/VERIO Global IPv6 Network, a commercial IPv6 backbone operated jointly by NTT Com and Verio, which spans Japan, Europe and the U.S. (please see Attachment). The service will initially be available in Tokyo’s Otemachi district, with IP addresses allocated according to type of use.

NTT Com has been taking the lead in providing stable IPv6 connectivity on a global basis. In September 1999, the firm obtained management custodianship of official IPv6 addresses (sTLA registry*) to become the first commercial provider in Japan. This was followed by construction of the NTT/VERIO Global IPv6 Network. Both NTT Com and its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary Verio have been concentrating on stable network operation and technical verification. NTT Com has also been developing direct connections with major sTLA registry holders, resulting in last year’s launch of Japan's first pay-based IPv6 Gateway Service trial.

Monthly IPv6 Gateway Service Fees

Monthly fees will remain the same as those offered during the trial service. Users will need to pay additional access network fees.

*sTLA (sub-Top Level Aggregation) registry is an IPv6 address management custodianship given to ISPs by Regional Internet Registries that manage Internet resources, including IP addresses.