Press Release
June 29, 2006

NTT Com to Expand Next-Generation Ethernet "Global Super Link" Service

TOKYO, JAPAN – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today that the company will expand the service area for Global Super Link, a next-generation Ethernet service, to England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong in addition to the U.S. and Japan. The expanded service will be available on July 3, to be followed by more cities around the world in the future.

A more flexible fee structure will also begin on the same day. Currently, users can choose between two transmission speeds of 45Mbps, for a flat rate, or 100Mbps with a fee depending on data traffic. Under the new flexible fee, users can choose transmission speeds in increments of 10Mbps from 10Mbps to 100Mbps for a flat rate, although 100Mbps subscribers can also opt for a variable rate.

Global Super Link, launched last July, was the world's first full-scale commercial service of its kind, providing enterprise users with high-speed, high-bandwidth, cost-effective global burstable data transmission that accommodates their usage patterns.

The service takes advantage of MPLS technology and NTT Com's Global IP backbone to offer secure virtual private Ethernet service with world-class network management. Enterprise users can create a global LAN environment using their existing equipment, which saves the cost of having to purchase special devices. NTT Com provides end-to-end services such as access lines for monitoring trouble on the Ethernet.

NTT Com demonstrated the possibilities of the service last February 5 when it succeeded in using an Internet-protocol (IP) transmission for a delayed high-definition broadcast in Japan of NFL Super Bowl XL, the championship game of American professional football, played in Detroit, Michigan. The trial broadcast was fed from the U.S. at a transmission rate of approximately 70Mbps (MPEG2-TS) through NTT Com's Global Super Link and was publicly broadcast at midnight, February 6 (Japan standard time).

Attachment: Global Super Link Service Overview

About NTT Com
NTT Communications is a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Corporation (NYSE: NTT) - one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. NTT Com provides high-quality, technologically advanced network management, security and solution services to consumers, corporations and governments on a global basis, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Its world-class backbone network, combined with the networks of partner companies around the world, offers access to more than 200 countries. NTT Com Group has more than 30 companies in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Americas. The company has garnered several awards for its leading edge technologies, outstanding performance and customer service, including "World Communication Awards Best Customer Care - 2005." For more information, please visit