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March 9, 2009

New WLAN Service Feeds Location Data to Mobile Devices

TOKYO, JAPAN - NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) launched today a free push-type service that feeds information about nearby places of interest to iPod® touch and iPhone™ 3G (Ver. 2.2 or higher) owners when they use HOTSPOT, NTT Com's monthly flat-rate service for wireless local area network (WLAN) access in Japan. NTT Com operates more than 4,000 HOTSPOT locations nationwide.

The new service, named Cocotan! (from Japanese koko "here" and tan "search"), automatically provides a list of recommended restaurants, tourism spots , etc. when a user visits a HOTSPOT access point. Recommendations, far from being random, are carefully selected based on computer-based analysis of consumer-generated content, including blogs and Web reviews. The user simply clicks on an item of interest to view details.

The information is provided with the cooperation of i.JTB Corp. and NTT Resonant Inc.

Cocotan! identifies the user's current location based on the WLAN access point they have logged into.

Owners of the iPod® touch and iPhone™ 3G are expected to use Cocotan! as a practical means of quickly and easily learning about nearby places of interest via HOTSPOT access points located conveniently throughout the country. The service is provided in Japanese only.

The application, which is available for free download on Apple's online App Store, was co-developed by NTT Com and Koozyt, Inc.

Cocotan! also allows the user to collect a visitor stamp in a virtual travel log when they use a HOTSPOT access point. In addition to providing the user with a stamp-based travel record, a Japanese tradition, proprietors can organize loyalty programs and other user benefits based on the virtual stamps.

The Cocotan! service is available to individuals subscribing to HOTSPOT, OPEN Plan or Open Plan Light, as well as people using temporary HOTSPOT login IDs won during an i.JTB Corp. campaign between February 17 and March 3.

As a special introductory campaign, 100 users who collect stamps from 5 HOTSPOT access points between March 9 and 22 and then answer a survey will be randomly selected to each receive a 5,000 yen travel coupon from JTB Corporation.

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Com delivers high-quality voice, data and IP services to customers around the world. The company is renowned for its diverse information and communication services, expertise in managed networks, hosting and IP networking services, and industry leadership in IPv6 transit technology. The company’s extensive global infrastructure includes Arcstar™ private networks and a Tier 1 IP backbone (connected with major ISPs worldwide), both reaching more than 150 countries, as well as secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Com is the wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit

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