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Remaining Trustworthy and Mission-oriented

Society expects companies to fulfill a wide range of responsibilities, from providing new value through products and services to maintaining a corporate culture of integrity and fairness. We will always place compliance at the foundation of our operations as a trusted corporate group.
To achieve sustainable corporate growth and continuously contribute to realizing a sustainable future, we are committed to practicing efficient governance and solid compliance across the Group. In particular, the trend toward remote interactions has heightened the importance of ensuring information security as a social concern, and we have been actively preventing problems and providing countermeasures. We will remain faithful to our corporate mission, core beliefs, and policies in order to ensure each and every employee takes action with a sense of responsibility and strive to establish corporate governance and compliance systems throughout the Group to construct an efficient, legally compliant, and ethical management foundation.
Up to the present and into the future, we will endeavor to realize solid governance and enhance corporate value as we continue to advance as a company that has earned the public’s trust.

  • 見据えるSDGs

Priority Activities

Thorough Compliance and Risk Management

Our Approach

Under the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Policy, NTT Communications will not only adhere to laws and ordinances but will also engage in its daily operations with high ethical standards as a corporate group that retains the trust of all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders, and society as a whole. We promote compliance management across the NTT Communications Group by developing our compliance promotion framework centered on the Compliance Committee, disseminating top management messages, educating and training employees, and operating points of contact for internal reporting.
We also prepare against various business risks, including large-scale disasters, by establishing systems and mechanisms that enable us to effectively respond to risks in our business operations. This is done under the leadership of the Business Risk Management Committee and involves reviewing and revising risk identification, response policies, and countermeasures. In addition to improving Groupwide risk sensitivity and handling the risks that have materialized, these activities are intended to build a system for addressing environmental and social risks in the future through a concerted Group effort.


With regard to compliance, under the Global Compliance Regulations, NTT Communications has the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by a senior executive vice president and supervises compliance promotion leaders and staff assigned to each unit and Group company. Under this framework, we consistently promote compliance management across the NTT Communications Group by disseminating top management messages on compliance, training employees, operating points of contact for internal reporting, and conducting internal audits to confirm and improve the ongoing initiatives at each Group company.
As for risk management, in accordance with the Risk Management Rules, we have established the Business Risk Management Committee, chaired by the senior executive president, to develop systems and mechanisms that enable us to effectively respond to risks. Each risk item, including material risks, is handled through a monthly Business Risk Management Subcommittee and regular exchanges of opinions with Group companies to implement a practical PDCA cycle for risk management by examining and analyzing the occurrence of risks and discussing countermeasures. In addition to improving Groupwide risk sensitivity and handling the risks that have materialized, these activities are intended to build a system for addressing environmental and social risks in the future through a concerted Group effort.
Furthermore, in June 2024 we assigned a chief risk officer (CRO), who is ultimately responsible for risk management, to address risk responses and crisis management with tighter integration across organizational boundaries.

Risk Assessment

Under the leadership of the Business Risk Management Committee, we annually determine risks, and we conduct an ongoing review and revision of response policies as business risks countermeasures, in light of changes in our surrounding business environment. We focus on the current status of internal and external risks as well as their impact and scope to identify risk items, and we make assessments according to their assumed frequency of occurrence and impact to determine material risks.


Under the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Policy, in order to deal with increasingly complex compliance issues in Japan and overseas, NTT Communications will not only adhere to laws and ordinances but will also engage in its daily operations with high ethical standards as a corporate group that retains the trust of all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders, and society as a whole. We regard integrity as one of the NTT Group’s abiding values and intend to establish a compliance infrastructure with solid integrity.
In the ever-evolving business environment, we are working to manage risks to contribute to the sustainable growth of the DOCOMO Group by appropriately addressing uncertain risk factors that may hinder the achievement of our business vision and business goals. By constantly monitoring risk status and combining the medium-term cycle (selecting and assessing material risks, formulating response policies, and so forth) with the short-term cycle (taking timely action for each risk), we are preparing for potential risks and addressing those that have materialized.

KPIs and Targets

We have set KPIs for three main initiatives. The KPI for sharing high ethical standards and ensuring compliance is zero serious compliance violations, while the KPI for corporate culture for maintaining and improving business ethics is 97% of employees responding that their workplaces have an open atmosphere, and the KPI for continuously upgrading the risk management structure is promoting Companywide risk management.

Sharing High Ethical Standards and Ensuring Compliance

Corporate Governance Structure

NTT Communications has adopted a governance structure based on a system of Board of Directors and Board of Corporate Auditors and has assigned outside directors to bolster its governance functions. The board is chaired by the president and in principle meets once a month to make key management decisions in compliance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and the Board of Directors’ rules.
We have set up an Internal Audit Department at the head office to conduct annual internal audits by selecting audit items based on the results of risk assessment to minimize or prevent management risks and boost corporate value. In addition to attending important meetings such as those of the Board of Directors, three auditors hold meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors to audit the execution of directors’ duties with an emphasis on confirming the legality and appropriateness of management decisions. A dedicated organization and staff facilitate efficient audit operations. The corporate auditors conduct their audits in close cooperation with accounting firms and the Internal Audit Department by periodically sharing information on audit plans and results.

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Appointing Directors

Directors are appointed with the expectation that they will utilize their extensive knowledge and insight in their respective fields.

Compliance Promotion Framework

The NTT Communications Group acts in accordance with the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Policy, established by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation and applied throughout the NTT Group, as well as the NTT DOCOMO Group Code of Ethics, established by NTT DOCOMO, Inc. and applied across the NTT DOCOMO Group. We maintain the relevant rules under the Global Compliance Regulations that serve as the standard compliance policy for the NTT Communications Group.

Compliance Promotion Framework

Compliance Promotion Framework

We also promote compliance led by the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by a senior executive vice president and supervises compliance promotion leaders and staff assigned to each unit and Group company.
The Compliance Committee, consisting of compliance promotion leaders (heads of each unit) of NTT Communications and presidents of each Group company, meets regularly every six months to provide a forum for sharing the status of reporting at internal points of contact and holding discussions on measures for establishing corporate ethics. The committee reports on the content of its discussions for each fiscal year to the Executive Council and Board of Directors of NTT Communications.

Compliance Promotion Framework

Compliance Promotion Framework

Looking ahead, even as we respond to regulatory changes in Japan and overseas and the evolving business environment, management and all Group employees will engage in ethical business practices and seek to strengthen the Group’s compliance system worldwide.

Awareness-raising Programs and Training for Thorough Compliance

To ensure thorough legal compliance and fair business activities, companies are required to implement ongoing awareness and training programs for employees and directors. The NTT Communications Group is actively pursuing internal awareness-raising activities through various programs including compliance training, and by conducting employee awareness surveys on corporate ethics, inviting entries for compliance slogans, and regularly providing information via the internal website.

Initiatives for Preventing Corruption

To ensure compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Japan and overseas on preventing corruption, including bribery and bid-rigging, NTT Communications adheres to the Anti-Bribery Handbook compiled by its parent company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, as well as its own internal rules, to prevent corruption.
We have stipulated detailed rules against bribery as well as prevention guidelines under the Global Compliance Regulations to clearly demonstrate we have proper measures in place to combat this concern, and we are determined to stringently address specific acts of bribery. As part of our Groupwide effort to prevent corruption, we follow procedures in various countries with regard to prior approval in cases where providing benefits to public officials are tolerated under law and examine the eligibility of agents and consultants hired to execute our operations. We also include prevention of corruption as a topic in our compliance training in an ongoing effort to raise awareness.
Furthermore, we are continuing to ensure fairness in operating our business by reviewing the rules on entertaining outside the Company, which was established in August 2021 in response to such factors as changes in the external environment.

Anti-competitive Behavior

NTT Communications complies with fair competition laws and regulations, such as the Antimonopoly Act, to maintain a fair competitive environment in its business activities. We specifically provide training and awareness-raising programs for employees engaged in sales activities for public organizations, covering bid-rigging, bidding practices that impair fairness, bribery, and other points to consider in public sales activities. Continuing our awareness-raising activities will draw greater attention to competition laws within the Company as we contribute to promoting fair and free market competition.

Appropriate Advertising

Telecommunication services such as the Internet and smartphones have become indispensable infrastructure for daily life and business. Moreover, these areas are undergoing rapid technological innovation in which the content, providers, contracts, and other aspects related to services used by customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and diverse.
NTT Communications will create new value by proposing integrated solutions combining mobile, security, and managed services under the docomo business, our corporate business brand. and will provide these services to all types of customers, from large corporations to small and medium enterprises. In light of the evolution of the business environment, such as expanded service offerings and the rising number of customers, we are required to provide customers with more appropriate information and to display advertisements in an easy-to-understand manner. To this end, NTT Communications practices established operational procedures, including an accountability system related to advertisements and a screening system for advertising. At the same time, we continuously strive to ensure the proper display of advertisements that are easy to understand by reviewing our advertising screening system and business processes in light of the docomo business.

Initiatives on AI Ethics

With regard to artificial intelligence (AI), we are now observing the rapid spread of generative AI, represented by ChatGPT, alongside practical applications in such areas as automated driving and robotics. While AI brings various benefits along with remarkable technological progress, there is the risk it may become entangled with ethical issues such as discrimination and prejudice, legal concerns such as copyrights, and other problems such as information leakage. Under the NTT Communications Group Basic Policy on AI, formulated in April 2021 with the objective of ensuring the sound and reliable use of AI founded on an understanding of its possibilities and inherent risks, we have implemented risk assessments to ensure the sound application of AI in our service management and project management processes. And in July 2023, we composed the Guidelines for the Use of Generative AI.

Consultation Hotline

The NTT Group has established a common contact point for all Group companies for consultation and reporting with a reception by a law firm. The NTT Communications Group has also set up its own hotline for reporting and consulting on compliance issues and a contact point for consulting on human rights issues. We are fostering an open corporate culture by creating an environment that encourages employees to seek consultation and by swiftly and appropriately responding to their concerns and reports.

Business Risk Management

The basic elements of risk management are defined in the Risk Management Rules we established to achieve sustainable corporate growth by anticipating and preventing the occurrence of potential risks that exist in and around our business and by minimizing any loss in the event they materialize. As a system and mechanism for effectively addressing major risks that may affect our business management, we set up the Business Risk Management Committee, chaired by the senior executive president, to construct and implement a PDCA cycle for risk management.
The heads of units and presidents of Group companies comprising the members of the Business Risk Management Committee meet twice a year to address the changing business environment by defining risks that require action, identifying material risks, and discussing issues such as initiatives for promoting risk management. In fiscal 2023, the committee focused on the current status of internal and external risks as well as their impact and scope to identify 19 items, which were also assessed according to their assumed frequency of occurrence and impact. As a result, information security was identified and addressed as a material risk for the second consecutive fiscal year. In addition, we have recently designated geopolitics as a key risk due to the need to promote and strengthen new initiatives in response to economic security legislation.

Crisis Management

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have seen growing public interest in crisis management for times of emergency, such as large-scale natural disasters.
With a renewed awareness of our mission as a company responsible for maintaining social infrastructure through communication, we have strengthened our management structure to accelerate our response to contingencies and have sought to instill that awareness in all departments by ensuring strict adherence to manuals and organizing drills. In the event that a material risk occurs, we will set up a Disaster Response Headquarters and other units, headed by the president or senior executive president, as needed in order to provide the structure for gathering accurate information and making effective decisions. Thereafter the Disaster Response Headquarters will take the lead in addressing the situation on the ground.”
In July 2021, we established the Supply Chain BCP Guidelines to strengthen business continuity across the entire supply chain. We are working to ensure stable procurement with the cooperation of our suppliers.
Since fiscal 2013, we have laid out an operational plan to prepare against a pandemic in compliance with the Act on Special Measures for Preparedness and Response against Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases, and we are currently formulating a related concrete business continuity plan.
Furthermore, to comply with Japan’s Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and Act on Measures for Protecting Japanese Nationals in Armed Attack and Other Situations, we have established and publicly disclosed our Operational Plan for Disaster Prevention and Operational Plan for the Protection of Japanese Nationals in order to fulfill our responsibility as a designated public institution.

Responding to Geopolitical and Economic Security Risks

A variety of impacts on corporate activities are anticipated amid drastic changes in the global geopolitical environment, and the Japanese government is also moving forward with economic security legislation. Considering this, we are taking actions to handle geopolitical and economic security threats as part of our business risk management, with an emphasis on comprehensive and effective efforts across the entire Group. Specifically, we have adopted the basic stance of balancing employee safety and business continuity, and we are identifying issues that need to be addressed, discussing policies for addressing them, and operating a lead organization and promotion system, as well as developing and managing the implementation schedule for each issue.
We are responding to the amended regulations on specific user information in the Telecommunications Business Act (effective June 2023) and to our designation as a specified social infrastructure operator in the telecommunications field (in November 2023) based on the system for ensuring the stable provision of specified social infrastructure services under the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures.

Internal Controls

In accordance with the new Companies Act, enacted in May 2006 and revised in May 2015, NTT Communications has drawn up basic policies for establishing a system of internal controls for the entire NTT Group. Concurrently, as a member of the NTT DOCOMO Group, the Board of Directors resolved to implement the measures necessary for the system. We are also working to reinforce and upgrade internal controls over financial reporting in line with the requirements of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, enacted in June 2006.

Basic Approach for Maintaining an Internal Control System
  1. 1. In maintaining a system of internal controls for complying with laws and regulations, managing any risk from losses and carrying out proper and efficient business operations, NTT Communications takes a variety of measures to prevent and minimize loss.
  2. NTT Communications has established the Legal and Internal Audit Department to maintain and assess effectiveness with regard to operational status of the above system of internal controls. As a monitoring organization, the department is responsible for regular audits and special audits of high-risk areas common to the NTT Group, in keeping with the standardized auditing criteria of NTT.
    The necessary improvements are made following assessments of system effectiveness.
  3. NTT Communications will cooperate with NTT DOCOMO,INC. and take appropriate measures to ensure the reliability of its system of internal controls for financial reporting under Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.
  4. The president is responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of the system of internal controls.
  5. We will take all necessary steps to comply with NTT DOCOMO, INC.’s Basic Policies Concerning the Maintenance of Internal Control Systems.

Internal Audits

At NTT Communications, Internal Auditing plans to achieve its goal of implementing audits that benefit management by taking the lead in conducting internal audits of internal organizations and Group companies, with an emphasis on business risks. By conducting internal auditing activities throughout the year, we seek to reduce and prevent the manifestation of management risks while also proposing operational improvements to enhance the corporate value of the entire NTT Communications Group.

Priority Activities

Enhanced Value Chain Partnerships

Our Approach

We will manage the entire supply chain with high ethical standards by promoting and strengthening the sustainability of NTT Communications Group suppliers to ensure a reliable procurement system for our customers.
To that end, we established NTT Communications Corporation Guidelines for Sustainability in Supply Chain and focus on developing mutual understanding and relationships of trust with our suppliers. At the same time, we are developing a procurement system based on the concept of sustainable procurement, which extends beyond environmental issues, with thorough consideration of humanitarian and social issues as well. We will strive to enhance our partnerships to properly understand and address the impact of our business activities on the value chain and engage in a dialogue with our stakeholders to meet the various requests and expectations from society, toward operating business on the trust of our stakeholders.

Summary of NTT Communications Corporation Guidelines for Sustainability in Supply Chain
  1. NTT will strive to provide competitive opportunities with fairness to both domestic and foreign suppliers, and to build mutual trust and understanding.
  2. NTT will conduct economically rational procurement of competitive goods and services that meet its business needs, deciding suppliers based on quality, price, delivery times and stable supply in a comprehensive manner.
  3. NTT will contribute to realizing a sustainable society by doing procurement with an emphasis on human rights, the environment, safety,and other critical issues, in compliance with laws and social norms.

With the basic ideas of the previous Guidelines for CSR in Supply Chain, the new guidelines clarify the positioning of our requests to suppliers (code of conduct). The guidelines as a whole now require stronger cooperation, such as requesting primary suppliers to take responsibility for seeking compliance from upstream suppliers, establishing management systems to comply with each guideline, and taking actions such as suspending business with suppliers who do not correct violations. The content of each specific item has also been enhanced.

NTT Communications Corporation Guidelines for Sustainability in Supply Chain  Indicates the main additions and enhanced item

NTT Communications Corporation Guidelines for Sustainability in Supply Chain

Collaboration with Suppliers to Ensure Sustainability Procurement and Green Procurement

We have formulated the NTT Communications Corporation Guidelines for Sustainability in Supply Chain, which encourage procurement policies for respecting human rights and protecting the environment, ensure the quality and safety of products and services, and recognize the overall needs of society. When selecting and entering into agreements with new business partners, we have designated our own sustainability compliance items, in addition to credit screening criteria, which include confirming corporate initiatives on human rights and labor issues. When we determine that a company has failed to meet our criteria and thus represents a risk, we do not trade with them.To promote sustainable procurement, we conduct SAQs using EcoVadis, a global rating organization, and also hold meetings to exchange ideas on details and confirm that there are no risks.

Our Approach to Stakeholder Engagement

Building and enhancing stakeholder relationships are extremely important for the NTT Communications Group toward becoming a corporate group that creates the future and maintaining business operations. In a renewed effort to improve stakeholder engagement by disclosing information on sustainability, we have categorized our disclosure from the perspectives of required information, information that should be shared, and communication media. In addition to this report, we will engage with our stakeholders through our website, various events, and surveys.

NTT Communications Stakeholders

NTT Communications Stakeholders

Priority Activities

Continuously Strengthening Information Security

Our Approach

We are committed to continuously strengthening cybersecurity measures and promoting security governance to enhance the cyber resilience of our ICT infrastructure and ensure information security, including the protection of customer personal information, in response to societal change, advancements in digitalization, and the increasing sophistication and severity of security threats such as cyberattacks.
By adhering to the ISO/IEC 27001 international standard for information security management systems, we conduct information security audits and implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures. We also focus on training our employees as ICT professionals and developing security specialists.
The NTT Communications Group, responsible for the corporate business of the DOCOMO Group, has positioned compliance and security as critical for conducting the docomo business and is dedicated to enhancing its capacity to effectively respond to security risks.


The NTT Communications Group established the Security Committee, chaired by the chief information security officer (CISO), to ensure information security governance. The committee examines information security measures, formulates and reviews related regulations, and conducts activities by department and Groupwide.

Risk Management

The NTT Communications Group implements risk management at both the organizational level and the individual system level.
At the organizational level, the CISO and the senior vice president of the Information Security Division assess cross-sectional risks throughout the entire organization and in accordance with business characteristics and formulate action plans based on the priority of measures, thereby ensuring their efficient implementation.
At the system level, we conduct risk assessments and implement information security measures for each in-house system used and managed by the Company and Group companies, and conduct risk management in line with the system development lifecycle.


The NTT Communications Group is committed to security that contributes to the business of our customers and partners as well as to the country and society on the whole.

Policy for Initiatives
  • ・Security policies and measures are formulated based on information security considerations in accordance with related standards. such as ISO and NIST documents.
  • ・As a security-by-design approach, information security measures are never treated as afterthoughts; they are considered at every stage of the system development lifecycle. A “shift left” approach is adopted to consider and incorporate security measures from an upstream perspective, such as the design stage of business processes and systems. In this way, we utilize basic information security measures that correspond to the concepts of zero trust security and multilayer defense, as well as an increasingly pervasive cloud environment.
  • ・Information security measures are designed to balance risks and information security measures according to business objectives, with consideration for usability that does not impose excessive burdens on end users and operation managers. The measures are also designed with an emphasis on mobility in response to the recent demand for remote work environment, supporting productivity and employee challenges to boost security as the driving force.
Representative Initiatives

Based on this policy, we are building and monitoring an IT/security environment to prevent the leakage of critical information to NTT Communications Group companies, suppliers, and other supply chain companies. We have also established a support system within the Information Security Division to promote these initiatives.
To strengthen the overall organizational capabilities of the information security line, we will further promote DX (automation, efficiency, and sophistication) in security operations and expand our cyberattack prevention initiatives.

KPIs and Targets

The NTT Group has set a common goal of zero serious security incidents. To achieve this, NTT Communications sets and monitors internal KPIs such as the number of incidents and the status of response to external threats (e.g., blocking malicious emails, addressing OS/application vulnerabilities) and reports monthly to management.

Ensuring Information Security

Basic Policy

NTT Communications regards raising security awareness in the workplace, including among all executives, employees, and partner employees, as a crucial responsibility of an ICT company. The NTT Communications Security Declaration has been our basic policy for conducting business based on our belief that adhering to strict security management standards will lead to improving security and delivering benefit to our customers.

NTT Communications Security Declaration

At NTT Communications, we believe that our most important mission is to provide our customers with services which they can use with the assurance that their critical information is being protected and to contribute to improving the security of our customers. We view security as the single most important issue to be addressed in providing services, and we pledge to work together with our customers to provide the best in security for their needs. To achieve this end, we do our utmost to ensure security throughout all aspects of the value chain, from the development of technologies and services to the construction and operation of systems. As ICT professionals, all of us at NTT Communications are committed to improving our capabilities to respond to security issues.

Three Resolutions

  1. We regard security as our top priority in providing services to our customers, and we will do our utmost to enhance their security.
  2. As an ICT solution partner entrusted with our customers’ vital information, we will work with them at all times to ensure their security.
  3. Business partners and contract employees are also important supporting members of NTT Communications. We will therefore collectively strive to ensure our own security.

Information Security Governance Structure

The NTT Communications Group has established a system for ensuring information security governance by appointing a CISO and assigning a security management officer to each company and organization, and defining their roles, responsibilities, and functions. We implement the following measures under the leadership of the CISO: formulate rules and standards and educate all employees to raise their awareness, draw up and implement Companywide information security policies, monitor compliance with information security regulations and take any necessary corrective action, and ensure a unified response to information security incidents.
We have established the Security Committee, which has been expanding activities across the entire Group, including determining security measures based on regulations, formulating and reviewing regulations to improve service quality, reviewing business processes, sharing information on vulnerabilities, and taking emergency action to prevent unauthorized access and responding should it occur.

Security Management Framework

Security Management Framework

Security Management Framework

The NTT Communications Group maintains many systems that handle important and highly confidential information, such as customer information, and therefore conducts risk management both at the organizational level and the individual system level.
For risk management at the organizational level, the CISO and the senior vice president of the Information Security Division assess cross-sectional, information security risks throughout the entire organization and in accordance with business characteristics, and formulate action plans based on the priority of measures, thereby ensuring their efficient implementation. We conduct the risk assessments at least once a year to identify gaps against targets, determine risk response criteria, and formulate and implement response plans.
For risk management at the system level, we conduct risk assessments and implement information security measures for each in-house system used and managed by the Company and our Group companies. We also conduct risk management in line with the system development lifecycle.

Protection of Customer Information and Personal Information

We protect customer personal information in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations as well as guidelines published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, operating under an effective system of information management to stringently implement our Personal Information Management Rules , which define the basic elements of protecting customer information and personal data. When subcontracting the handling of customer personal information, we select subcontractors that meet the required standards.
We have been operating since 2002 under the ISMS certification*1, which is primarily for our corporate sales and maintenance divisions, and since 2004 under the PrivacyMark certification*2. These certifications are reviewed for renewal every two years and have been registered to date.
As of March 2024, 10 Group companies in Japan have been operating under the ISMS certification and 7 companies that mainly handle customers’personal information have been operating under the PrivacyMark certification.
In response to the revised Personal Information Protection Law that came into effect in April 2022, we have revised our internal regulations to strengthen our operations, including lifecycle management of customer information. With regard to raising employee awareness, we are taking actions such as conducting annual training sessions for all directors, employees, and partner employees. With regard to GDPR, we had been operating under the EU Customer Personal Information Management Guidelines, which stipulate the handling of personal information in the EU. In addition, in fiscal 2022, we took the opportunity of becoming a member of the new DOCOMO Group to introduce the Privacy Impact Assessment System (PIA System) to ensure appropriate use of personal data based on the Behavioral Principles of the NTT DOCOMO Personal Data Charter. We will continue to protect customer privacy and promote the appropriate use of data so they can use our services without concern.

*1 A screening and certification system for assessing whether an information security management system conforms to JIS Q 27001 (ISO/IEC 27001) standards.

*2 A registered trademark granted for use by companies that have been certified by the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation as having established a system for appropriately protecting personal information in compliance with Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Q 15001 requirements for personal information management systems.

Raising Workplace Awareness and Providing Thorough Training

We are actively working to ensure that employees understand our information security policies and the appropriate handling of information and to raise awareness of compliance and security against internal fraud. To this end, we provide Companywide training in information security and handling targeted attack emails as well as for security managers and staff.

Information Security Training Attendance

Information Security Training Attendance

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