Strategy for a sustainable future. Re-connect X
Change driven by COVID-19
Remote, decentralized world
COVID-19 measures such as physical distancing and remote work are leading to greater decentralization. In addition, increasing natural disasters are requiring societies to be more resilient. In response to such changes, NTT Com is developing services and solutions for value creation in today’s increasingly remote and decentralized world.

DX’s New Roles
The purpose of digital transformation (DX)—originally business streamlining—is shifting in two ways as the values of consumers, businesses and society evolve. The first is user-oriented DX, which reflects efforts by companies to reevaluate their value propositions to customers in terms of user experiences (UX). The second is DX for sustainability with an emphasis on employees, customers, communities, society and the global environment, not just corporate profits, and the resolution of pressing issues in modern society. In contrast to the conventional focus on efficiency, NTT Com’s DX initiatives address far greater goals.

Support for a changing society
Our new strategy
In October 2020, NTT Com introduced its Re-connect X strategy (“X” referring to everything) to support rapid change taking place in the world. We realize a sustainable future through co-creation with customers and partners, defining new values in With/After COVID-19 era, and “Re-connecting” society/industry with fixed-mobile convergence services/solutions.

Re-connect X initiatives
Smart World and Smart Data Platform initiatives are carried out jointly with NTT Com clients and partners. NTT Com also is pursuing internal DX initiatives to transform its ICT for greater operational efficiency and increased added value. These three initiatives form the core of NTT Com’s Re-connect X strategy.

Connecting the world and the futureSmart World
In collaboration with customers and partners, NTT Com provides DX solutions for business creation and enhanced competitiveness. Also, our Smart World initiatives utilize ICT to meet key needs in seven fields. NTT Com’s advanced ICT solutions accelerate corporate data usage to enable customers to create new value and solve challenging problems.
More about Smart World -
Connecting data and valueSmart Data Platform
The Smart Data Platform seamlessly integrates data that is conventionally scattered throughout an enterprise. This next-generation platform efficiently organizes data and makes it easier to utilize, thereby allowing data from daily processes to be transformed into growth engines. The Smart Data Platform is an ideal base for DX capable of supporting everything from individual enterprises to entire industries and society as a whole.
Safe, secure and flexible connectionsICT Transformation
Companies will continue to adapt to decentralization and other changes by increasingly turning to cloud computing and remote work during and after COVID-19. They also will strive to ensure safety and security by adopting ICT suited to today’s remote world. NTT Com provides clients with solutions for improved performance and flexible continuity across entire internal networks, ensuring high security even when external environments suddenly change.
Joint Creation with Clients and Partners
NTT Com engages in joint creation with diverse clients, start-up companies, universities, and more. Going forward, the company will provide an expanding range of online and offline opportunities for joint creation.