
A Better Future Characterized by Innovation and Abundant Vigor,
in Which Sustainable Development Is Achieved through Value Creation
As a leading ICT company spearheading DX across society, the NTT Communications Group works to resolve diverse social issues through initiatives, including the realization of a Smart World that connects society and the future, ICT Transformation, and promotion of advanced innovation, with the intention of developing a sustainable future. We will venture beyond our corporate boundaries and continuously take on challenges to co-create and drive the emergence of new value and demonstrate our commitment. Furthermore, as a corporate citizen, we will engage in business activities deeply rooted in the local community to bring about a better future that is resilient, safe, and secure while constantly pursuing opportunities to contribute to society through ICT.
◆ Priority Activities
◆ Priority Activities
Promotion of DX to Connect Society with the Future
Our Approach
Our goal is to facilitate DX that will lead customers to create new businesses and bolster their competitiveness and to realize a Smart World through the utilization of ICT. By accumulating a broad array of data and reusing it to improve existing formats and develop and introduce new systems, technologies, and services, we will resolve a number of the issues facing society and create better ICT environments.
We will contribute to addressing social challenges by promoting DX in collaboration among Group companies and with our partners to address the issues faced by clients developing global business, various industries, and society as a whole. The NTT Communications Group will also provide solutions for promoting DX to connect society with the future, such as realizing a world in which every worker can choose an optimal workstyle and demonstrate their talents.
◆ Priority Activities
Promotion of Innovations that Break through Limits
Our Approach
Under our mission of “Creating communications methods that open up new possibilities for people and our world,” we aspire to connect the world by providing advanced technologies and services that generate new social value.
We will pursue innovations unshackled by conventional wisdom. To generate creative innovations, we will apply new ideas to establish businesses and engage in new business development such as Smart X and business co- creation with our customers. We will also develop a new framework for generating innovations within the Group through internal reforms and the Open Innovation Program.
◆ Priority Activities
ICT Transformation
Our Approach
As the IoT society evolves, economic and social damage caused by emergency telecommunication breakdowns is becoming incalculably severe. As we are entrusted with managing networks and vital data associated with the globalization of many companies, we are absolutely required to fulfill our responsibility to maintain network connections at all times.
As a corporate group that provides global telecommunications services by utilizing the network technologies and maintenance systems that underpin advanced ICT societies, we focus on the Three Disaster Policy Fundamentals to put into place a communication environment that allows for the confident use of networks even in the event of a disaster or other emergencies. Through the consistent strengthening of ICT infrastructure equipment to prevent telecommunication breakdowns in the event of emergency, we will maintain the network as vital infrastructure, resolve customer security issues as a security advisor for the “new normal” era, and provide advanced services that integrate Group technologies such as local 5G and edge computing to realize flexible and optimal network environments for our customers.
As an ICT services provider, we are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, secure retention, and management of information we receive from customers. We believe that fulfilling this responsibility is essential for realizing advanced, safe, secure, and sustainable living environments and economic and social activities.
Furthermore, we are working to provide advanced and robust information and cybersecurity. We have established a set of security regulations necessary for the NTT Communications Group as a whole to meet public expectations, and we apply them to the ongoing monitoring and operation of the ICT systems and networks entrusted to us by customers to ensure they are robust while enhancing their vulnerability response to unknown threats.
◆ Disaster Policy Fundamentals
1. Improving Network Reliability
We are working to improve reliability so that partial damage to telecommunications systems does not have a great effect on others.
2. Ensuring Crucial Communications
We have secured means of communication to allow important communications in a disaster situation.
3. Quickly Restoring Communications Services
We will restore to service damaged telecommunications equipment as soon as possible.
For more information, see: the Disaster Policy Fundamentals (in Japanese only)
◆ Priority Activities
Promotion of Corporate Citizenship
Our Approach
Guided by our Social Action Principles, the NTT Communications Group promotes activities for realizing a prosperous society by designating six pillars of social contribution: Preservation of the Natural Environment, Social Welfare, Promotion of Education and Culture, Regional Development and Exchange, International Exchange, and Promotion of Sports. Companies are increasingly expected to play a role through their social contribution activities to support the development of diverse communities grouped by region, generation, and so forth. In addition to community development, we intend to actively participate as a corporate citizen by also developing community engagement activities with an understanding of the SDGs as well as ways to achieve their targets. These efforts will have a significant effect on expanding a sustainability mindset throughout the Group and encourage each company to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society as a member of the NTT Communications Group.
◆ Social Action Principles
- Sustainability …
We conduct lean but sustainable activities over the long term. - Efficiency …
We engage in cost-effective activities to ensure continuity. - Due Diligence …
We carefully assess the relative benefit to society of prospective donations. - Global Perspective …
We contribute to Japan and the international community. - Skills Gained in Those Markets for the Benefit of Society …
We utilize services developed for information distribution markets as well as employee abilities.