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The most advanced network services in the world

Fast, safe and always available connectivity from a world leader in global network solutions.

Why NTT Com Networking?

The NTT Com Difference

The global market has changed. Innovative business models, better-informed customers and nimble competitors all demand that your business be agile. Today, this means fast access to high-speed, reliable global networks and advanced network services.

We can help

With advanced SDN and NFV networking technologies and our leading dual-stack tier-1 global IP backbone, we help you get into markets fast, anywhere around the world, so you stay competitive.


IP Network

Move your content, data and video quickly and safely with our leading tier-1 global IP network.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Reduce the burden on your web servers and improve performance with our global CDN.

Leased Line

Arcstar Global Leased Line Service is designed for organizations requiring a dedicated, high-quality network with guaranteed bandwidth.

Machine-to-Machine (M2M)

Private, global and completely secure M2M networking.

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