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April 16, 2009

NTT Com Receives ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 Certification

NTT Communications (NTT Com) announced today that it received certification for compliance with the ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 international standard for IT service management on April 2.

The certification was issued by BSI Management Japan under the auspices of the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), a not-for-profit organization promoting IT service management best practices and the Information Technology Infrastructure Library® (ITIL®), a compilation of concepts and policies for managing IT infrastructure, development and operations, and the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation

The certification encompasses NTT Com’s management of large-scale private networks of enterprise customers. Under the service, NTT Com manages both its own network services and communication facilities and those of the customer, resulting in total, one-stop maintenance and management of the entire communication system.

Monitoring the customer’s system on a 24/7 basis, NTT Com quickly detects any system failure and quickly repairs the error while keeping the customer informed of the situation. A service manager familiar with the customer’s telecommunication system is then dispatched to the customer’s premises to provide advice about how to hasten recoveries and prevent possible failures in the future. The service manager thereafter prepares a monthly report about the operation of the customer’s system and any subsequent failures.

NTT Com has steadily upgraded its IT management system through measures including ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification. It also has incorporated the ITIL in its operations by acquiring ITIL-related certifications, including ITIL Foundation and senior consultant-level ITIL Manager, and joining itSMF Japan, the first itSMF established in Asia, in 2003.

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Com delivers high-quality voice, data and IP services to customers around the world. The company is renowned for its diverse information and communication services, expertise in managed networks, hosting and IP networking services, and industry leadership in IPv6 transit technology. The company’s extensive global infrastructure includes Arcstar™ private networks and a Tier 1 IP backbone (connected with major ISPs worldwide), both reaching more than 150 countries, as well as secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Com is the wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit

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