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November 9, 2011
NTT Com Announces Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011
TOKYO, JAPAN-NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today its financial results for the six months ended September 30, 2011. Please see the following attachments for further details:
PDF Files Download
Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011 [PDF/272KB]
Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2012 (PPT Presentation) [PDF/1.1MB]

About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides a broad range of global networks, management solutions and IT services to customers worldwide. The company is renowned for reliable, high-quality security, hosting, voice, data and IP services, as well as expertise in managed networks and leadership in IPv6 transit technology. NTT Communications’ extensive infrastructure includes Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN and Global e-VLAN, as well as a Tier-1 IP backbone reaching more than 150 countries in partnership with major Internet service providers, and secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Communications is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit www.ntt.com/index-e.html.