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December 19, 2022

NTT Group

A donation of US $1 million to help support an online educational environment for displaced children in Ukraine

Tokyo - December 19, 2022- The NTT Group1 has decided to donate a total of 1 million USD humanitarian aid for assistance of an online educational environment to displaced children who can no longer receive an education in Ukraine.

Through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and other organizations, this donation will be utilized to support the development of online education environments. For example, some of the money will be used to distribute tablets and laptops for children and teachers to conduct online classes in Ukraine.

In addition, the NTT Group has made international calls to Ukraine free of charge, has donated a total of US$2.5 million2 to support humanitarian crisis response and relief activities in Ukraine, and has accepted donations from customers to support the humanitarian crisis response and relief efforts in Ukraine.

NTT Group hopes that this emergency will be resolved as soon as possible and that peace in Ukraine and the world will be restored.

1 NTT Corporation, NTT EAST Corporation, NTT WEST Corporation, NTT DOCOMO, INC, NTT Communications Corporation, NTT COMWARE CORPORATION, NTT DATA Corporation, NTT Urban Solutions, Inc., NTT FINANCE CORPORATION

2 NTT to donate US $2.5 million for humanitarian aid in Ukraine and neighboring countries

Media Contacts:

NTT Corporation
PR Office


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