January 4, 2024
New Year’s Message from the President & CEO

Greetings to our many loyal clients, partners and other stakeholders on the start of another new year.
Firstly, we would like to express our deepest sympathies toward anyone who was affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024.
Last year we saw events and business activities resume with vigor as the COVID-19 pandemic finally settled down. At NTT Com, we held the annual docomo business Forum in person for the first time in four years, attracting the largest number of participants ever nationwide, reminding us once again of the high expectations for docomo business value propositions.
At the Forum, generative AI was a focus of attention. In November 2023, NTT unveiled "tsuzumi," a large-scale language model that is lightweight and can be flexibly tuned. We will work with clients and partners to create reliable solutions that take advantage of tsuzumi's scalable features as we strive to make 2024 our first year to fully implement generative AI.
We will also continue to strengthen NTT Com's three business pillars: digital transformation (DX), green transformation (GX), and customer experience (CX) in 2024.
NTT Com is steadily promoting DX in local communities, industries and society as a whole in eight key areas of our Smart World initiatives. We will fully engage in addressing issues in areas such as urban development, healthcare and education, providing integrated solutions worldwide that combine mobile services such as 5G and IoT with cloud services, network services, and more.
We will also pursue GX initiatives for a decarbonized world. In response to the growing demand for high-heat-generating servers due to the expanded use of generative AI, we have announced our Green Nexcenter™ solution as Japan's first service for ultra-energy-efficient data centers. Compatible with liquid-cooling technology to address the need for more efficient cooling, the solution will initially be installed at the Yokohama 1 Data Center in Yokohama. In addition, our implementation of all-photonics Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) technologies will enable ultra-low power consumption as well as ultra-low-latency connectivity across multiple data centers.
To further improve CX, we will support all clients not only through regional offices but also through a variety of other client-contact points, including business advisors at docomo Shops and docomo business Online Shops. In addition, we will create new CX value by striving to improve customer satisfaction through upgraded call center operations and by utilizing various kinds of data more effectively to enhance residential services in local communities.
Going forward, NTT Com will continue to provide reliable services and solutions, backed by continuous improvements in security and quality.
Very best wishes for a successful and rewarding 2024.
Toru Maruoka
Representative Member of the Board
President and CEO
NTT Communications
