Universal Service / Telephone Relay Service

According to a law, “Universal Service” and “Telephone Relay Service” is managed by subsidies mainly borne by telecommunication carriers. NTT Communications ask our customers using services subject to levying burden to pay respective service fees for “Universal Service” and “Telephone Relay Service.”

About the Universal Service System
About the Telephone Relay Service System

What is Universal Service?

This is a service that is defined by Article 7 of the Telecommunications Business Law as "requiring effort to be provided fairly and stably" as it is essential for the lives of the people and for which service should be provided throughout all of Japan.

The details are stipulated in a ministerial ordinance (Article 14 of the Telecommunications Business Law Enforcement Regulations), and the particulars include the basic fees for subscriber telephones, Type 1 public phones installed from the perspective of providing safety in society and the minimum means of communication outdoors, in addition to calls with outlying islands that are subject to special pricing and emergency numbers such as 110, 118 and 119.

What is the Universal Service System?

This is a system that mandates telecommunications carriers including NTT Communications to bear part of the expenses required for ensuring that universal services such as the subscriber phones, etc. provided by NTT East and NTT West are made available fairly and stably throughout all of Japan. The burden is calculated based on part of the costs for subscriber lines (basic fees) in high-cost regions such as outlying islands and mountainous areas, and the deficit created by Type 1 public phones.

History Behind the Implementation of Universal Service

In the past, universal service providers NTT East and NTT West bore all of the cost required for providing services. However, as it is believed that it will be difficult for NTT East and NTT West to maintain universal service of their own accord due to the decrease in fixed telephones, the spread of mobile phones and IP phones, the advancement of pricing competition, and revisions to basic fees, the system is now supported by all major fixed, mobile, PHS and IP telephone companies including NTT East and NTT West.

Structure of the Universal Service System

Based on the compensation provided to NTT East and NTT West, the Telecommunications Carriers Association, which is the organization supporting universal service, calculates the amount to be paid for each telephone number, and this is determined once approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Based on this unit price per number, telephone companies pay NTT East and NTT West through the organization supporting universal service according to the volume of telephone numbers used by their respective customers.

Customer Fees

In accordance with the intent of this Universal Service System, NTT Communications bills its customers a “Universal Service Fee” of 2 yen(2.2incl. tax) per month1 for each telephone number using those of our services subject to the system2. We ask for your cooperation and understanding with regard to this matter.

  1. Price per Telephone number since January 2022. This will be revised every six months thereafter.
  2. Key NTT Communications services subject to the system are as follows (same as the Telephone Relay Service Fee).


Principal Service Subscribers Subject to the System

Numbers beginning with

Arcstar IP Voice, OCN .Phone Office, Direct Calling for Microsoft Teams, Business Number, etc.

Numbers beginning with
070,080 and 090

Customers subscribed to Mobile/Remote Access, Arcstar Universal One(wireless access(Active usage)), Arcstar Universal One Mobile, OCN Mobile ONE for Business
OCN Mobile Standard d, Mobile Wholesale Service, etc.

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to Freedial, etc.

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to Navidial

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to services providing discounts for “calls from mobile phones to fixed phones” using numbers beginning with 0800 in services such as Platinum Line, along with customers subscribed to Freedial, etc.

Numbers beginning with
03 and 06

Customers subscribed to Arcstar IP Voice, Arcstar IP Voice (hikaridenwa), OCN HikariDenwa, etc.

Note: NTT Communications does not charge this fee for numbers beginning with area codes (03,06, etc.) except for services provided by NTT Communications such as Arcstar IP Voice, OCN HikariDenwa, etc.

10-digit customer
numbers beginning with
003502 and followed by
400 or 500

Customers subscribed to BizFAX Smartcast (Internet connection type and leased line connection type).

Note: FAX connection type is not affected.

What is Telephone relay Service?

The “telephone relay service” enables people with hearing or speech disabilities to communicate with other people over the phone through sign language interpreter operators, respond 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service is provided by the telephone relay service provider designated by Minister of Internal Affairs.

What is the Telephone Relay Service System?

Under the Act on Facilitating the Use of Telephones by the Hearing Impaired, etc. (Act No. 53 of 2020, hereafter referred to as the “Act”), this is a system that mandates telecommunications carriers including NTT Communications to bear part of the expenses required for ensuring the telephone relay service as a public infrastructure. This system works as telecommunications carriers pay burdens to the telephone relay service provider(*1) as a subsidy through the support organization for telephone relay service(*2) which functions to levy burdens and grant subsidies.

*1 The Nippon Foundation Telecommunications Relay Service

*2 Telecommunications Carriers Associations

Structure of the Telephone Relay Service System

Based on the amount of the subsidies granted to the telephone relay service provider, Telecommunications Carriers Associations (the support organization for telephone relay service) estimates the amount to be paid for each telephone number (unit number price), and will be determined with permission by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Based on this unit number price, telecommunications carriers pay the fee according to the volume of telephone numbers used by their respective customers to the Nippon Foundation Telecommunications Relay Service through the support organization for telephone relay service.

Customer Fees

In accordance with the intent of this Telephone Relay Service, NTT Communications bills its customers a “Telephone Relay Service Fee” for each telephone number using those of our services subject to the system. We ask for your cooperation and understanding with regard to this matter.
The unit number price for fiscal year 2024 is total of 12 yen (13.2 incl. tax).
From April 2024, the bill will be 1 yen (1.1 incl. tax) per month per number as shown in the table below.

FY2024 FY2025
Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen 1 yen

About the billing statement

NTT Communications bills its customers “Universal Service Fee” together with “Telephone Relay Service Fee.”

The months the telephone relay service fee is charged

Universal Service Fee etc.3 yen per number (3.3 yen incl. tax)
*It is written as “Universal Service Fee etc.” on a bill.

(The breakdown of the bill)
Universal Service Fee2 yen per number (2.2 yen incl. tax)
Telephone Relay Service Fee1 yen per number (1.1 yen incl. tax)

The month the telephone relay service fee is not charged

Universal Service Fee etc.2 yen per number (2.2 yen incl. tax)

(The breakdown of the bill)
Universal Service Fee2 yen per number (2.2 yen incl. tax)
Telephone Relay Service Fee0 yen per number (no charge)

  • *The daily rate can be applied depending on our services subject to these systems. In case of the daily rate application by entering into or canceling a contract in the middle of the month, the extra digits will be left off, therefore the actual amount claimed might be different from above.
  • *In case of reissuing the bill, there might be a discrepancy between the text written on Notice on bill and the amount claimed. In that case, the amount claimed is the correct information. It helps to judge whether the telephone relay service fee is applied or not on that month.

Key NTT Communications services subject to the system are as follows (same as the Universal Service Fee).


Principal Service Subscribers Subject to the System

Numbers beginning with

Arcstar IP Voice, OCN .Phone Office, Direct Calling for Microsoft Teams, Business Number, etc.

Numbers beginning with
070,080 and 090

Customers subscribed to Mobile/Remote Access, Arcstar Universal One(wireless access(Active usage)), Arcstar Universal One Mobile, OCN Mobile ONE for Business
OCN Mobile Standard d, Mobile Wholesale Service, etc.

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to Freedial, etc.

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to Navidial

Numbers beginning with

Customers subscribed to services providing discounts for “calls from mobile phones to fixed phones” using numbers beginning with 0800 in services such as Platinum Line, along with customers subscribed to Freedial, etc.

Numbers beginning with
03 and 06

Customers subscribed to Arcstar IP Voice, Arcstar IP Voice (hikaridenwa), OCN HikariDenwa, etc.

Note: NTT Communications does not charge this fee for numbers beginning with area codes (03,06, etc.) except for services provided by NTT Communications such as Arcstar IP Voice, OCN HikariDenwa, etc.

10-digit customer
numbers beginning with
003502 and followed by
400 or 500

Customers subscribed to BizFAX Smartcast (Internet connection type and leased line connection type).

Note: FAX connection type is not affected.

Contact Information

About the way to use the telephone relay service, registration, and the service instructions

The Nippon Foundation Telecommunication Relay Service (Telephone relay service provider)

Tel: 03-6275-0912
Reception hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (closed during the end and beginning of the year)

Fax: 03-6275-0913

E-mail: info@nftrs.or.jp

Website: https://nftrs.or.jp/

About the unit price per number, subsidies, and burden systems

Telecommunications Carriers Associations: Support organization for telephone relay service

Tel: 03-6302-8391
Reception hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays (closed during the end and beginning of the year)


About the Telephone Relay Service system

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Telecommunications Consumer Consultation Center)

Tel: 03-5253-5900
Reception hours: 9:30 a.m. to noon/1:00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on weekdays

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