Looking Back Over the Green ICT Vision 2020
Under the “Green ICT Vision 2020,” we have identified three numerical targets and one action goal for 2020.
Working in unison, we have achieved these initial targets in overall terms with the exception of certain indicators.
Targets and Main Initiatives
Environmental themes | Indexes | Fiscal 2020 targets | FY 2015 results |
Realization of a Low-carbon Society | CO2 emissions*1 | 318,000 t-CO2 or less (Reference: Electricity consumption 0.89 billion kWh) (A reduction of more than 15% compared with the fiscal 2008 level) |
427,000 t-CO2 (up 34%), 0.76 billion kWh (down 15%)
Promotion of a Recycling-based Society | Final disposal rate*2 | 2% or less | 2.1%
Paper consumed per employee | 8,500 sheets per employee (Reduce by 30% from the fiscal 2008 level) | 6,565 sheets per person per year
Preservation of Biodiversity | To understand the relationship between our business and biodiversity, and take steps to conserve biodiversity for future generations |
*1 CO2 emissions coefficient: fiscal 2020: 0.33kg-CO2per kWh %
*2 Final disposal rate is calculated as the volume of waste transported to the final processing site divided by the total volume of waste generated.