Our activities implemented by linking each CSR Priority Area to the relevant SDGs
- Contributions to Society
Rugby Team Takes on the Challenge of Creating New Value to Fulfill its Mission of Contributing to Society
- Contributions to the Global Environment
Applying Deep Learning to Achieve Stability in Waste Power Generation at Incineration Plants
- Respect for Employees
Promoting Group-wide Health and Productivity Management to Motivate Employees to Change their Own Behavior
- Continuous Strengthening of Corporate Governance
Supporting Efficient and Effective Corporate Governance with Auditing Solutions Based on Digital Technology
■Contributions to Society
■Contributions to the Global Environment
■Respect for Employees
Effectively Using Internal Assets to Invigorate and Facilitate Communication
■Continuous Strengthening of Corporate Governance
Cultivating High-level Experts to Lead Our Cyber Security Measures in the ICT-based Society
■Contributions to Society
We solve social issues by applying cloud-based IoT to protect workers and businesses.
■Contributions to the Global Environment
■Respect for Employees
We aim to realize diverse workstyles geared to ensuring quality of life.
■Continuous Strengthening of Corporate Governance
We strengthen CSIRT operations to reduce the security risks of Companywide IT systems.