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April 13, 2011

NTT Com Named Best International Wholesale Carrier
at Telecom Asia Awards 2011

TOKYO, JAPAN - NTT Communications (NTT Com) announced today that it received the Best International Wholesale Carrier prize at Telecom Asia Awards 2011 in Singapore on April 12.

The prize recognizes NTT Com as the Best International Wholesale Carrier on the basis of innovation, financial performance, technology, market leadership and corporate governance. NTT Com’s Tier-1 global IP network, the backbone of its Internet services for customers worldwide, was specifically acknowledged for its industry-leading capacity, fully redundant configuration, high standard of quality based on its autonomous system, new technologies for security and other applications, and leadership in the field of IPv6.

Previously, NTT Com was named Best Asian Telecom Carrier and Best Managed Services Provider in 2005 and Best Wholesaler Carrier in 2008.

The 14th annual Telecom Asia Awards 2011 were presented to carriers and vendors operating in Asia by Telecom Asia Group, Asia’s largest regional telecom publishing group. A panel of telecommunications experts selected winners in 10 categories.

For more information about NTT Com’s awards, please visit

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides a broad range of global networks, management solutions and IT services to customers worldwide. The company is renowned for reliable, high-quality security, hosting, voice, data and IP services, as well as expertise in managed networks and leadership in IPv6 transit technology. NTT Communications’ extensive infrastructure includes Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN and Global e-VLAN, as well as a Tier-1 IP backbone reaching more than 150 countries in partnership with major Internet service providers, and secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Communications is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit

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