CSR at NTT Communications
The NTT Communications Group implements CSR activities through a concerted effort under its Fundamental CSR Policy.
- CSR Priority Areas Introducing detailed information on each priority area and highlights of our latest activities
- CSR Management The CSR Priority Areas and Priority Activities, which serve as medium-term targets and guidelines, are determined and implemented through PDCA cycles to steadily disseminate and put into practice the Fundamental CSR Policy.
- Activity Results and Targets The CSR Priority Areas and Priority Activities, which serve as medium-term targets and guidelines, are determined and implemented through PDCA cycles to steadily disseminate and put into practice the Fundamental CSR Policy.
- ESG Data Quantitative data on CSR compiled under ESG categories
* In May 2021, we set out a new Sustainability Policy as an upgrade to the Fundamental CSR Policy. CSR priority areas, priority activities and achievements thereof, targets, and other items shown in this website are linked to the former Fundamental CSR Policy.