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CSR Management

NTT Communications CSR Management

CSR Promotion Structure

The NTT Communications Group promotes CSR initiatives through the CSR Committee. Chaired by the managing director in charge of CSR, the committee is responsible for establishing a structure for implementing management initiatives from economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Under this committee we have set up the Environmental Protection Subcommittee.
The CSR Committee meets annually to issue CSR reports, report on CSR activities, and consider and implement measures for promoting CSR activities. In fiscal 2018, representatives of 13 major Group companies attended the CSR Committee meeting. Matters reported to and discussed by the committee, including important information related to social or environmental risks, are shared with the Board of Directors as needed.
We will continue to promote and establish our CSR initiatives across the entire NTT Communications Group by continually discussing the issues during regular meetings of the CSR Committee.

CSR Promotion Structure
CSR Promotion Structure

Assessment Process for CSR Governance

To ensure the effective functioning of our structure for promoting CSR activities, we have continuously operated an established mechanism for reviewing the results of our activities.Specifically, we regularly establish CSR KPIs that serve as targets for key CSR activities for each fiscal year.Moreover, we gauge the effectiveness of our CSR governance by verifying and reviewing the level of achievement every year.
The CSR KPIs are determined by the CSR Committee, and the chairman is responsible for overall results. In addition to verifying the level of achievement, the CSR Committee also assesses the effectiveness of the KPIs themselves. The committee meets once a year.It is charged with continually reviewing the CSR management mechanism, including reviewing the Fundamental CSR Policy and updating the KPIs. In fiscal 2018, we linked the CSR Priority Activities with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and confirmed and evaluated the effectiveness of our KPIs.
In fiscal 2019, we will seek to help achieve the SDGs while consistently and steadily implementing PDCA cycles in our CSR activities by setting fiscal 2019 targets in accordance with our medium-term targets (vision).

Process of Identifying Materiality

Having decided on the medium-term targets and guidelines to steadily disseminate and put into practice the Fundamental CSR Policy, NTT Communications has been stipulating CSR Priority Activities based on an analysis of their importance and deploying PDCA activities. The CSR Priority Activities were identified through the following process.

  • Step Sorting the Issues

    We sorted our material CSR issues by referencing a variety of international guidelines and initiatives, such as the UN Global Compact and SDGs, ISO 26000, and the GRI Guidelines, and adopting a broad view of the NTT Communications Group value chain.

  • Step Evaluating the Significance of the Issues

    We evaluated the issues to be addressed by plotting them on a matrix according to their influence on stakeholder decision making and recognition and their degree of impact on the economy, environment, and society by the NTT Communication Group’s business activities.

  • Step Identifying Materiality

    We identified the CSR Priority Activities to be addressed by the NTT Communications Group based on the results of prioritization with due consideration for maintaining consistency with our Fundamental CSR Policy.

    CSR Priority Activities Identified

CSR Priority Activities and Medium-term Targets

The NTT Communications Group sets medium-term targets for each initiative of the CSR Priority Activities and pursues them through PDCA cycles.

Activity Results and Targets >

NTT Communications Value Chain

We will maximize the positive impact and minimize the negative impact of our business activities toward achieving the SDGs. Therefore, we determined how society and the environment will be impacted by the business activities of NTT Communications across its entire value chain and clarified the scope and direction of the Group’s initiatives for resolving social issues with respect to the SDGs.

NTT Communications Value Chain

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