NTT Communications Group CSR
About CSR Report
As a Global ICT Partner, the NTT Communications Group conducts CSR activities with the aim of contributing to community prosperity and sustainability worldwide by creating new value and resolving problems through the provision of telecommunications services. We have issued this report to clearly convey our CSR approach and activities to our stakeholders.
We are also dedicated to improving accuracy and thus use "we" when reporting on the entire NTT Communications Group, and use company names when reporting on NTT Communications or Group companies.
Selection of Material Issues and Other Items for Disclosure
We used the two-stage selection process described to the right to provide a well-balanced presentation of information the NTT Communications Group considers to be of importance alongside information that is in great demand from society and needed by stakeholders. In the course of the selection process, we referred to the materiality requirements of Version 4 of the Global Reporting Initiative's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and other publications.
In keeping with the results of the selection process, we are working to improve convenience in keeping with reader interest by publishing information with a high degree of materiality in terms of CSR-oriented management in both a highlight version and the more detailed information contained in an expanded version of the report.
In response to such factors as the increase in obtaining ISO 26000 standard certification, as a global corporate group we have sought to improve how we explain our contribution to society and how CSR has become imbued within our organization. At the same time, with regard to seeking ways to contribute to a society that makes advances in the field of business, we are committed to the active disclosure of information.
・Two-Stage Selection Process
Stage 1: Determine issues and other items that should be considered for disclosure from the following:
- Traditional disclosure items reflecting GRI's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
- Issues disclosed by peer companies, and various companies in peripheral business sectors
- Issues attracting growing interest following the issuance of ISO 26000
Stage 2: Select disclosure items from the following six perspectives
- Issues relating to ongoing CSR impacts, risks, and opportunities identified through surveys by expert individuals and organizations specializing in CSR
- CSR issues of significant social interest that the media frequently covers
- Issues that interest stakeholders (in employee and customer surveys and through other initiatives)
- Key organizational issues, notably those relating to our management philosophy, Fundamental CSR Policy, and Our Business Principles
- Regulatory and voluntary agreement issues covering our organization and operations, notably the Telecommunication Business Law and the rules of the Telecommunications Carriers Association
- Important issues relating to other companies, particularly competitors and companies with outstanding CSR programs
- •Reference Guidelines
- GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Versions 4.0 of the GRI's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
Japan's Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Reporting Guidelines (Fiscal Year 2012, from the website)
Japan's Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005
ISO 26000: 2010, Guidance for social responsibility - •Report Scope
- This report covers organizations important to reporting on CSR activities, namely NTT Communications and Group companies, based on the Group's Basic CSR Policy. However, any reporting outside this scope is indicated separately.
- •Period Covered
- Fiscal 2017: April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
(some content may fall outside this timeframe) - •Issue Dates
- This report November 2017
(Previous edition: December 2016; Next report: Schedule for November 2018)
About the Report medium
The highlight version presents the NTT Communications Group’s more important CSR activities in a clear, straightforward manner to the general public.
The expanded version presents numerous examples of the NTT Communications Group’s CSR activities, through a comprehensive look at specific CSR activities and detailed data.