Contribution to Achieving the SDGs and Initiatives across the Value Chain
The NTT Group has been engaged in a Groupwide effort to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since declaring its support in 2016. As a member of the NTT Group, NTT Communications is also advancing its own initiatives for resolving various social issues and creating new value for society as its contribution to achieving the SDGs.
Guided by the Sustainability Policy established in May 2021, we will steadfastly contribute to achieving the SDGs through a two-track approach representing two perspectives. One is promoting our new Re-connect X business vision to minimize the negative impact and risks to various sustainability issues, such as the environment and human rights, which arise across the entire value chain. The second is positively impacting society through NTT Communications businesses, which includes providing ICT services and solutions to resolve social issues and create shared value (CSV) for society.
Supporting the SDGs as the NTT Group
In fiscal 2016, the NTT Group announced its support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a member of the NTT Group, we also began promoting efforts to contribute to the SDGs in fiscal 2016. We have been training employees to raise awareness of sustainability, and we will seek to achieve these goals through business activities, including the Sustainability Priority Activities linked to them.
Contributing to Achieving the SDGs across the NTT Communications Value Chain
The NTT Communications Group clearly redefines the main issues it must address by gauging the social and environmental impact of its business activities across its value chain, adhering to its Sustainability Policy and referencing the SDGs. Toward achieving the SDGs and realizing a sustainable future, we will enhance our value chain partnerships as we implement initiatives for addressing the main issues through our business activities by reinforcing the positive impact and minimizing the risks and negative impact on society.