NTT Communications Group Sustainability
Evolving to Be a Corporate Group to Create a Sustainable Future
In May 2021, the NTT Communications Group established the Sustainability Policy by reframing its Fundamental CSR Policy in response to the increasingly worsening climate change situation, trends in Japan and overseas in relation to the SDGs and ESG, and subsequent changes underway in the business environment, as well as trends in cutting-edge technologies that will support a future society.
The Sustainability Policy is composed of the four Priority Areas of “society,” “the environment,” “human resources,” and “governance.” Each area embodies our Vision of the Future, and to realize this vision, we have set 12 Sustainability Priority Activities, related main initiatives, targets such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 (Scopes 1 and 2), and KPIs.
Through efforts to promote these priorities and pursue sustainability management by following the PDCA cycle, while co-creating with various stakeholders including customers and business partners, we will work strategically and appropriately to create business and growth opportunities and reduce risks. We intend to further reinforce the positive impact of our business activities on society across the value chain and minimize negative risk and impact. By building on these efforts, we will overcome all hurdles, and in addition to the promotion of DX, WX*, GX, and SX for society as a whole, we will promote CX with an eye to the future of BtoB, to sustainably increase corporate value and contribute to achieving the SDGs in our efforts to realize a sustainable future.
*Workstyle transformation
Priority Areas in the Sustainability Policy* and Our Vision of the Future
A better future characterized by innovation, vitality, resilience, safety, and security, in which sustainable development is achieved through value creation.
An eco-friendly future characterized by carbon neutrality, closed-loop recycling, and harmonious coexistence with nature based on the preservation of biodiversity.
A future rich in diversity based on mutual respect and enhancement and where everyone can shine in their own way and play a valuable role in society.
A future in which the Company is trusted for it lofty ethics and solid governance and develops a sustainable society for the future based on diverse co-creation.
※ Priority areas in the Sustainability Policy, formulated in May 2021.