Materiality and KPIs
To become a corporate group that creates a sustainable future, the NTT Communications Group identifies its materiality based on the process outlined below to formulate its Sustainability Policy and subsequently revises its Priority Activities. In doing so, we pay due consideration to public demands and expectations for addressing climate change and other issues related to the SDGs and ESG, the NTT Group’s business strategies and initiatives, and various trends in Japan and overseas. As shown below in the diagram entitled Sustainability Priority Activities Identified, our Priority Activities consist of 12 divided into the four Priority Areas of society, the environment, human resources, and governance. The NTT Communications Group will continue to promote sustainability activities through the PDCA cycle in line with the identified Priority Activities.
Process of Identifying and Setting Materiality and Setting the Main Initiatives, KPIs, and Targets
STEP1Examine the Issues
We examined social issues using international guidelines and initiatives and external evaluation indices as a reference.
External evaluation indices: DJSI, FTSE, MSCI, EcoVadis, etc.
International guidelines: GRI standard, ISO 26000
International initiatives: UNGC, SDGs, etc.
Priority Activities were categorized into items that remained significant and items deemed highly important to the Company’s business, including initiatives to address sustainability-related risks and opportunities that may affect the Group’s business strategy and other factors over the short, medium, and long term. These were then integrated and condensed into items prioritized based on the twin axes of expectations and requests from stakeholders and the magnitude and significance of the economic, environmental, and social impact of business activities for the NTT Communications Group.
STEP3Designate Priority Activities
Comprehensive consideration was based on Our Mission and business strategies, initiatives of the NTT Group and NTT DOCOMO Group, and various internal and overseas trends. Interviews with relevant departments were held before designating Priority Activities.
STEP4Designate Main Initiatives, KPIs, and Targets
The Main Initiatives, KPIs, and Targets were considered for each Priority Activity from such perspectives as social trends, related risks and opportunities, contributions to achieving the SDGs, and links with KPIs adopted by the NTT Group through discussions with the relevant departments and related organizations, and they were designated following confirmation of their validity by the Sustainability Promotion Committee.

KPIs, Targets, and Outcome of Activities
The following tables show the Priority Areas (society, the environment, human resources, and governance) of the Sustainability Policy, the main initiatives, key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for fiscal 2023 for the Priority Activities, and the outcome of these activities (review, assessment, and targets) as well as the main initiatives, KPIs, and targets for fiscal 2024.
Our Vision of the Future
We envision a better future characterized by innovation, vitality, resilience,
safety and security, in which sustainable development is achieved
through value creation.
Our Vision of the Future
We envision an eco-friendly future characterized by carbon neutrality,
closed-loop recycling, and harmonious coexistence with nature based
on the preservation of biodiversity.
Our Vision of the Future
We envision a future rich in diversity based on mutual respect and enhancement,
where everyone can shine in their own way and play a role in society.