




  • JSONキー 必須 説明
    error object error objectを設定します
  • ・error object

    JSONキー 必須 説明
    code 文字列 エラーコードです
    message 文字列 エラーメッセージです
  • ・サンプル
        "message":"The API you requested is not supported"


  • ・ボディ

    HTTP Status code エラーコード メッセージ
    404 101 The API you requested is not supported.
    400 102 The API version you requested is inactive.
    400 103 Some query parameters are missing on your request.
    400 104 Requested query prameters are invalid.
    400 105 Request body is invalid format.
    400 106 Parameters in request body are invalid.
    400 107 The server encountered an error while reading the query data.
    400 108 The server encountered an error while reading the query feature array. The query feature array may not be valid shape or data type. Please check its format.
    400 109 The model name or featurename in the request body is invalid.
    400 110 Too many input data.
    400 111 Requested value is out of range.
    400 116 A APIKEY does not accord.
    400 119 Request entity too large.
    400 120 Asynchronous request is not supported.
    400 121 Callback to callbackUri failed.
    403 201 Your request was denied.
    403 202 Job is running. Please try again later.
    403 203 Data base is locked. Please try again later.
    404 301 The resource you requested was not found.
    405 302 The HTTP method you requested is not permitted.
    500 501 The server encountered a temporary error in the file system and could not complete your request.
    500 502 The server encountered a temporary error in the database and could not complete your request.
    500 503 The server encountered a temporary error in intra-server netwrork and could not complete your request.
    500 504 The server encountered a temporary error in recognition engine and could not complete your request.
    500 505 The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
    500 509 An exception occurred in search library.
    500 510 A MemoryError occurred in search library.
    504 511 Gateway timeout.


  • Webでのお問い合わせ

  • 電話でのお問い合わせ




  • 本サービスは株式会社NTTドコモが提供元であり、NTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社が代理人として保有する契約締結権限、および包括的な業務受託にもとづき販売しています。
  • 画像はイメージです。
