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北川 公士
ソリューション&マーケティング本部 ソリューションコンサルティング部 地域協創推進部門
中川 あやめ
「COTOHA® Translator」をもう試しましたか? TOEIC960点超レベルの翻訳が、ものの1~2分で実行される超絶便利な翻訳ツールです。開発秘話からお客さまに支持される理由、今後の展開まで、COTOHA® Translatorの魅力をお伝えします。
COTOHA® Translatorの翻訳精度を実感していただきたく、『ファイルまるごと翻訳』で翻訳した英文を、日本語本文の下に載せています。翻訳にかかった時間はたったの約1分30秒! ぜひご一読のうえ、翻訳精度をお確かめください!
Have you tried "COTOHA® Translator" yet? It is an extremely convenient translation tool that can translate TOEIC score over 960 points in one or two minutes. From development secrets to reasons for customer support and future developments, we will convey the appeal of COTOHA® Translator.
To help you get a feel for the accuracy of COTOHA® Translator translations, we have included the English text translated in 'Translate entire file' below the Japanese text. The translation took only about 1 minute and 30 seconds! Please read it and check the translation accuracy!
AI Promotion Office, Application & Content Services Department
(From Left) Ikeda Sho, Suzuki Akira, Hirakawa Yuya
COTOHA® Translatorのプロジェクト発足は2015年にさかのぼる。当時、投資情報サービスを提供していた企業との共同ビジネス検討において、海外で発信される英語の経済関連ニュースを即時翻訳して投資家に提供できないか、というテーマがきっかけだった。当時はAI黎明期。ディープラーニングへの注目の高まりとともに、多くの企業がAIに取り組み始めた時期だ。
しかしながら、新たな機械翻訳技術(NMT=Neural Machine Translation)の動きを察知し、諦めずに水面下でサービス化を志向していた。ちょうどGoogle翻訳でもNMT技術が採用され、その精度が話題となり、社内的にも追い風が吹いた。満を持して、開発中の翻訳サービスのデモを上層部に提示し、翻訳精度や「ファイル丸ごと翻訳」の機能性が驚きとともに高く評価され、すぐにサービス化が決まったのだ。
その後、実質3週間であらゆるサービスリリース準備を経て世に出されたのがCOTOHA® Translatorである。
そんな、思いの詰まったサービスCOTOHA® Translatorの現在とこれからについて、チームメンバーにインタビューを行った。
The COTOHA® Translator project dates back to 2015. At that time, in a joint business study with an investment information service provider, the theme was whether English economic news sent overseas could be translated immediately and provided to investors. It was the dawn of AI. With the rise of deep learning, a lot of companies started working on AI.
However, in "Translation" its accuracy was not practical. In January 2017, they finally released "Industry-specific AI translation platform service (beta version)", but it didn't respond. The project's survival was hopeless.
However, he sensed the movement of a new machine translation technology (NMT = Neural Machine Translation), and he did not give up and intended to make it a service behind the scenes. The NMT technology was adopted in Google Translate and its accuracy became a topic of conversation, and there was a tailwind in the company. They showed the top management a demo of the translation service they were working on, and the quality of the translation accuracy and the functionality of the "Whole file translation" were appraised with surprise, and they soon decided to make it a service.
In the three weeks since then, after all the preparations for the release of the service, COTOHA® Translator was released.
This project, which had not seen the light of day for three years and was on the verge of disappearing, was introduced as an in-house translation infrastructure by customers in all industries. Furthermore, it was a miracle that customers commented with gratitude, "I can't let you go." "Everyone in the company is very happy.".
Such a service full of thoughts COTOHA® Translator I interviewed team members about the present and future of.
『ファイルまるごと翻訳』での翻訳結果 Mr. Hirakawa in charge of service planning and reviewing new functions
平川さん:COTOHA® Translatorのプロジェクトメンバーは最初は2人でしたが、現在はサービス企画と技術開発を合わせて10人を超えるチームになっています。20代後半~30代が中心の、若いメンバーで構成された元気なチームです。
鈴木さん:お客さまの要件に応じたさまざまなセキュリティを担保した翻訳サービスを提供できることがCOTOHA® Translatorの強みになっています。多くのお客さまは、機密性の高い資料を一般的な翻訳サービスで翻訳することに抵抗があり、セキュリティの高いサービスを必要としています。COTOHA® Translatorの場合はVPN接続や専用環境などの提供を行っていることが評価され、選定いただくことも多いです。
『ファイルまるごと翻訳』での翻訳結果 Mr. Suzuki (left) who is in charge of service development and specification review/verification, Mr. Ikeda (right) in charge of service planning and sales support
Hirakawa: COTOHA® Translator used to be a two-person team, but now it has a team of more than 10 people in service planning and technology development. It is an energetic team consisting of young members mainly in their late 20s and 30s.
The service was released in March 2018, and it received a lot of response. In July of the same year, we immediately started providing the "business plan". "Basic Plan" costs from 80,000 yen/10 ID per month for a shared engine. For clients with a large volume of translation work, we have introduced a "business plan" which costs from 1.15 million yen per month and can be used throughout the company.
In February 2019, we launched the "Enterprise Plan" (Environmental Creation Plan for Customers), the "VPN Options" in June, and the "multilanguage option" and the "contract and legal model options" in October. The plan menu has been flexibly expanded to meet the wide range of customer needs.
Suzuki: COTOHA® Translator's strength lies in its ability to provide a variety of secure translation services that meet customer requirements. Many customers are reluctant to translate sensitive materials with general translation services and need a secure service. In the case of COTOHA® Translator, its provision of VPN connection, dedicated environment, etc. has been highly evaluated and often selected.
Ikeda: The accuracy has improved remarkably. At the time of its release, the translation level was at the TOEIC 900 point level, but in 2019, it surpassed the TOEIC 960 point level. Accuracy is assessed by visual inspection of professional translators on two axes: accuracy and fluency. In the end, it may be necessary for a person to check detailed terms and nuances, but the translation accuracy is as good as that of a person who is good at English, and some customers use the translation without reviewing it.
We are also actively promoting overseas expansion. We are also actively promoting overseas expansion. Local Group companies are already offering it in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Europe, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar, and it will be sold in the US and Vietnam in the future.In addition to standard Japanese, English and Chinese, the multi-language option supports a total of 13 languages (25 Language Pair).
池田さん:COTOHA® Translatorは、サービス業・製造・金融・商社を中心としたお客さまにご利用いただいています。特に海外でのビジネスが多いお客さまに好評です。語学堪能な方ばかりで構成されるお客さまでも、何十ページもの翻訳に2日かかっていたものが、1~2時間の作業で完結する、ということで生産性向上や業務効率化による働き方の改善を実感されるようです。COTOHA® Translatorのプランには月額百数十万円かかるものもありますが、結果的に数万時間の稼働削減につながり、費用対効果としても十分に採算に合っているということです。
平川さん:お客さまの中には、COTOHA® Translatorを数万人単位で利用されているケースも増えています。最初は一部署で導入していただくのですが、精度の高さと大幅な業務の効率向上につながることをお客さまが実感され、全社展開に至る、という流れです。特に「AIの活用による働き方改革、DX推進」というお客さまの経営課題にフィットしていることが大きいと感じています。
『ファイルまるごと翻訳』での翻訳結果 <file translation> Translate entire file, preserving layout
Ikeda: COTOHA® Translator is used by customers in the service, manufacturing, finance and trading industries. It is especially popular with customers who do business overseas. Even for customers who are all fluent in languages, it takes only 1 ~ 2 hours to complete a two-day translation that used to take dozens of pages, so they can actually see improvements in the way they work through increased productivity and efficiency. Some of the COTOHA® Translator plans cost more than a hundred 100,000 yen per month, but the result is tens of thousands of hours of work saved, which is well worth the cost.
Hirakawa: An increasing number of customers are using COTOHA® Translator in the tens of thousands. At first, we ask some departments to introduce the system, but as customers realize that it will lead to high precision and significant improvements in operational efficiency, the system will be expanded throughout the company. In particular, we feel that the key to success is our ability to meet the management challenges of our customers: "Reforming working styles through the use of AI and promoting DX".
Suzuki: "file translation" has been well received for its ability to input and output the whole thing in its original form. If you upload a file such as Excel or PPT, it will be translated without breaking the layout. In some cases, translation companies, who are professional translators of books, also sign up for the service and use it as a preliminary translation.
平川さん:今後、翻訳APIとして社内の他サービスと連携した価値提供も行っていきます。さまざまなサービスにAI/COTOHA®を組み込み、付加価値を向上する「COTOHA® Everywhere」を推進していく予定です。日本語に強いCOTOHA®に、翻訳を組み合わせることで、さらなる価値を推進していきたいですね。
池田さん:COTOHA® Translatorは非常に分かりやすいサービスで多くのお客さまのニーズに応えられるので、ドアノックツールとして活用していただきたいです。使いやすさを追求しサービス改善を図り、リテンションも高めていきたいと思います。また、現在の最低月額8万円というプラン体系ですと中堅中小企業や個人事業主の方にはハードルが高くなってしまうので、より廉価なプランのリリースも検討しています。
Hirakawa: We will continue to provide value as a translation API in conjunction with other internal services. We plan to promote "COTOHA® Everywhere" to improve added value by incorporating AI/COTOHA® into various services. I would like to promote further value by combining translation with COTOHA®, which is good at Japanese.
Suzuki: As a service, we will also strengthen management functions. As the number of customers using the service throughout the company is increasing, we are developing functions that allow each department to manage users and edit dictionaries. The accuracy can be further improved by updating the dictionary for each department.
Ikeda: COTOHA® Translator is a very easy to understand service that can meet the needs of many customers, so I would like it to be used as a doorlock tool. We will pursue ease of use, improve services, and increase retention. In addition, with the current plan system of at least ¥80,000 per month, it would be difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises and sole proprietors, so we are considering releasing a cheaper plan.
現在NTTコミュニケーションズでも全社導入をし、従業員は誰でもCOTOHA® Translatorを利用できるようになりました。これからも自らの業務をDX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)しながら、そのナレッジを生かしてお客さまのDXも支援していきたいと思っています。
NTT Communications has now rolled out COTOHA® Translator to all its employees. We will continue to DX our own operations (digital transformation) and support our customers' DX by utilizing our knowledge.
平川 裕也
TOEIC960点『超』レベルの翻訳精度の「COTOHA® Translator」のサービス企画を担当。NTT Comの最新の取り組みやサービスの裏側をお届けします!
吉川 みのり
宮原 拓磨
NTT Comでは、いつでもご連絡をお待ちしています。